Get a refund for a disappointing app

Please note: I can't guarantee you will be able to get a refund.  Apple have built in some protections against repeated claims for refunds and I am unable to test the process without falling foul of these. 

Sometimes you will buy apps which don't do what you expected, don't work well with VoiceOver, or which you simply dislike. So long as you act promptly, you should be able to get a refund. You have 14 days from the receipt of your invoice to cancel and be given a refund.

Go to Apple's "Report a Problem" web page.

Here's a link to that "report a problem page"

You will also find a link to this web page in the invoice email that you received from Apple for the app purchase. It will be close to the end of the invoice email.

Double tap the link and you'll be taken to a web page in Safari where you'll be required to sign in to your Apple account.  You may be able to sign in using TouchID or FaceID.

The precise layout of the page changes from time to time, so I won't give step by step instructions.

There will be only a few sections to complete , probably with pop up buttons that bring up choices for you to select.

Amongst these will probably be:

I'd like to...

Select "request a refund"

Tell us more...

You could select " my purchase does not work as expected"

You will also need to select the app from a list of recent purchases and submit the request.

The response is normally immediate.  

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