Some Siri Shortcuts you might find useful


I have written a few shortcuts which you might find useful.  Before you install a shortcut from below, be aware that you are installing an item of software that may not have been checked by Apple. Before using one of my shortcuts, feel free to scan through its content to satisfy yourself that it doesn't do anything that it shouldn't. If you discover errors, then please notify me at

To install a shortcut, tap on the install link on this web page, wait for the shortcut screen to appear and then locate the add shortcut button and double tap (or just tap if you aren't using VoiceOver). 

To run a shortcut, give its name with no additional words  to Siri as an instruction. Don't add words like open or run. So, to run the shortcut named Zoom on, you should say "Hey Siri, Zoom on".

iOS and iPadOS updates sometimes cause problems with shortcuts, especially the more complex ones. I've admitted defeat and removed my more complex shortcuts from this page. Please let me know if you experience issues with the simple shortcuts that remain..


In autumn 2021 Siri could no longer tell you what the battery percentage is on some devices. I think this was fixed and hasn't recurred but if your device has lost this Siri capability, this simple Shortcut will return it. 

Install Battery v1.0

Zoom on and Zoom off

These shortcuts turn the Zoom accessibility feature on and off.  That's the three finger double tap Zoom. The shortcuts may be useful to users who use both Zoom and VoiceOver since Zoom is incompatible with VoiceOver's handwriting and Braille Screen Input features and it also changes VoiceOver's three finger gestures.

Install Zoom on v1.0

Install Zoom off v1.0

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