Useful apps, services and devices for people with sight loss

The Applevis website has a section devoted to listing apps that work well with VoiceOver and also apps specifically developed for people with sight loss.

There are many apps designed specifically for people with sight loss. There are also apps designed for general use which work well with VoiceOver and which can be very useful for people with sight loss. Several products and services associated with iPhones and iPads may be of particular value to people with sight loss. Here are just a few of the apps, products and services that are worth considering:

Audio books accessibility on iPhone and iPad with VoiceOver

SeeingAI - Artificial Intelligence speaks what your phone or tablet camera sees

Be My Eyes - video link help from a human volunteer or take a picture and have a conversation about it with an AI helper

Navigation apps - a personal view

AirTags - tag and locate objects you might misplace or lose

Google Transit Departures widget - get details of nearby public transport

Giving your location when you call for assistance

BBC iPlayer and audio described content for blind and low vision users

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